Thursday, February 26, 2009

Monthly Morsels - Get On The Preferred List!

One of my business goals for the first quarter of 2009 was to begin a newlsetter program to announce all the fun new products in my shops. I have a lot of big plans in the works, a few collaborative projects, and some great new kits coming forth this year and don't you want to be the first to know about them?

Additionally, the newsletters may also contain preferred customer discount codes, advance notice of sales, and private sales. All great reasons to be on the list. You can sign up for the newsletter here or on the upper left column of my blog. Sign-up will also be available on


Bonhomie said...

I envy your organization!! It's time to revisit my goals for this year so I can see how far behind I've gotten already ;-)

Annie Howes Keepsakes said...

LOL! My organization is only an illusion. Smoke and mirrors, my friend :o)